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Threat Intel Profiles

CyberFragrance Threat Intel Profiles

CyberFragrance Intelligence serves as a definitive repository of shareable knowledge, meticulously compiled on monitored threat actors, malicious tools, and vulnerabilities. This repository is curated and consistently updated by experts in cyberfragrance Threat Intelligence, ensuring the delivery of pertinent and actionable threat context.

Meet Aqua Blizzard (ACTINIUM), a formidable nation-state activity group hailing from the vast landscapes of Russia. The Ukrainian government has publicly pointed fingers at this group, attributing its actions to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). Aqua Blizzard (ACTINIUM) has a reputation for zeroing in on a diverse range of targets in Ukraine, spanning government entities, military installations, non-governmental organizations, judiciary, law enforcement, non-profits, and anything related to Ukrainian affairs.

Origin: Russia (RU)

Targets: Government Agencies & Services: Defense, Law Enforcement. Non-Government Organization: Human Rights Organization

Cadet Blizzard, an infamous hacking collective based in Russia with their advanced technical skills and sophisticated hacking techniques, has emerged as a significant threat to cybersecurity globally. This article delves into the origins, operations, and impact of Cadet Blizzard, shedding light on the dark underbelly of the hacking world.

Origin: Russia (RU)

Targets: Emergency Service Government Agencies & Services: General Public Services - Federal Information Technology: IT Products & Services